Facebook Timeline, an Opportunity to Franchise Businesses

For franchise owners, being updated of the latest marketing trends is essential.  By learning the proper way to communicate and reach a certain market, the success rate of the franchise becomes higher.  At present, Facebook, with more than 900 million members is one huge market.

With such huge market in a single platform, communicating properly is essential.  Facebook has recently shifted all of its account to the new format called Timeline.  This format provides exposure for franchising companies and other franchises for sale.  The following tips are helpful in marketing franchises using the new Facebook Timeline.

New Features

Franchisors and franchise consultants should be excited with Facebook Timeline because it offers new opportunities in introducing and marketing franchises for sale.  Now all accounts come with cover photo and new landing page.  Even updates and statuses can already be “pinned” on top of the user’s profile.

Cover Photo

Companies can now post their company banners as cover photos in Facebook.  Dimensions of cover photos should be 851 x 315 pixels.  Companies need to choose a photo that perfectly fits the allotted height and length space to avoid any distortion.

Landing Page

With Timeline, the personalized landing page has been removed.  All visitors will be directed to the user’s Timeline wall whenever the page is viewed.

“Pinning” Status

Significant updates on user’s status can now be “pinned” above the user’s Timeline and can remain there for a week.

Cover Photo

With a cover photo, companies can provide site visitors a visual representation of their products and services.  Facebook prohibits companies to utilize marketing hype on cover photos.  Impressive cover photos attract more visitors and can encourage them to explore the profile.


With Timeline, user profiles are allowed to have 12 tabs.  These are applications that will be added to the profile page.  The initial four tabs are the only ones shown and the rest can be opened by scrolling the page.  So these initial four tabs must be the most significant ones.  Tabs for business as given by franchise consultants contain:

  • Local Maps
  • Promotions, deals, or coupons
  • Videos or photos of company activities
  • Careers
  • Contests
  • Company outreach
  • Company updates
  • Questions and Polls

Mark Significant Dates

Businesses can mark significant company dates in Timeline.  This can be helpful for franchises.  Having a franchise page enables date marking on every major openings and significant company activities.  Facebook also enables companies to add past dates as well as back tracking.

With this brand-new format franchise companies can share some details on how to buy a business and how the franchise company has developed.  Other examples are changes on company stock and past logo, volunteerism, company anniversaries, brand-new creations, presentation of new positions, and other relevant accomplishments of the company.

Marketing Assistance

Franchise consultants can provide assistance regarding franchise marketing.  Creating a complete marketing plan that contains attainable methods and goals can be tough without any guidance.  With the number one franchise consultant, Upside Group Franchise Consulting, interested individuals can learn how to buy a business or a franchise and other things necessary to start a franchise and make it last.

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