Success with Hair Salon Franchises like Fantastic Sams and Supercuts

The top two leading hair salon franchise opportunities in America are Fantastic Sams and Supercuts. Those who want to know how to start a business may want to consider successful franchises such as these.

Fantastic Sams claim that they are the nation’s biggest full service franchise for hair salon with over 1,350 salons in the country. They provide services connected to hair care as well as cuts, color, styles, and texturing services. It is their promise to make clients look incredible.

A representative for Fantastic Sams mentioned that their franchise stands out among their competitors because they differentiate themselves by catering to different customer hair care needs whether men, women, or children. By being in the industry for more than 30 years, they were able to build brand recognition that developed with their salons around America.

Also, Fantastic Sams offers a soft-skills and management training curriculum through their Fantastic Sams University. This is a type of support that they are able to offer to their franchise owners. The success of Fantastic Sams is attributed to their skilled regional owners and also to their franchisees looking for franchise opportunities in their company.

So what does Fantastic Sams have to offer their potential franchisees that are interested to know how to start a business? They have a solid brand name, which is known well across the country. Also, their support and operating system has been proven to be a success in the 30 years that they have been in business.

Past experience in the industry of hair care is not a requirement to become a franchisee. Fantastic Sams’ are all for helping entrepreneurs who are naturally outgoing and people-pleasing. Working in a service business means being surrounded by people all the time, so it is important that the investor loves working with people.

On the other hand, Supercuts is a Regis Corporation franchise with their main client base being adult men who are interested in obtaining a modern look at an affordable price. This is one of the great franchise opportunities to consider, especially since they retain a lot of their original franchise owners from when they first started. At the moment, this business offers 2016 hair salons around the world and is ranked #1 in the 2006 Entrepreneur magazine for the hair salon category.

What makes Supercuts different from other franchises for hair salon is that it offers a week-long training program at the Hair Stylist Academy (HAS). This is a program required of all employees before working for the brand’s hair salon outlets.

So what does Supercuts have to offer potential franchisees? They boast of the support they offer, which is essential to the success of a franchise. They also have the best support in the industry with 10 departments dedicated to supporting all franchisees from marketing to operations to even real estate.

Anyone who wants to know how to start a business should consider a franchise from them. Supercuts are in search of franchisees who have a great sense of business and who listen to the advice of their people so that they can be partners in success.

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